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/ PhotoDisc 64: Global Communications / PhotoDisc 64: Global Communications.iso / pc / PHOTOS / 10MB / 64187.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1998-09-30  |  833KB  |  1604x2197
Labels: electronics | computer | text | electronic device | personal computer | output device | indoor | gadget | computer hardware | display device | space bar | office equipment | laptop | multimedia | flat panel display | netbook | input device | peripheral | computer component | personal computer hardware | communication device | touchpad | office supplies | computer keyboard | screen | computer terminal | wall
OCR: Consumer Durables Consumer Staples Services Technology Benchmark: DUP 500 Cash Stocks * 1% of stocks) 8.21 85.31 . 1 1:00 0.00 23.81 99.00 300 Energy 4.80 8.90 Franciala 15.50 Industrial Cyclical 15 M Consumer Duraties 1.21 4.18 Consumer Staples 10 5 11.90 Services 12 20 Retal 11 00 Technology 7.03 17.00 Benchmark: S&P 500 Cash 8.21 1 00 Stocks* 85.31 99 00 Bonds 6.41 0.00 Other 0.09 0.00 23.81 3 .20 (% of stocks) N